Teaching & Learning
The ESU #1 Teaching & Learning Specialists provide education and technological assistance and guidance for school district administrators, educators and for ESU #1 personnel.
What does this look like? It might be that we are in the district working to help staff align their curriculum to state standards. Perhaps it is pulling districts together at the ESU to rethink schooling, in particular the high school. Sometimes it means working with a small team of teacher leaders from schools to develop a data retreat they can facilitate with their staff.
Assessment, professional learning communities, managing grant activities — these are just a small sampling of what we do as a Teaching & Learning Team. Our primary focus — in providing innovation, leadership and service to our districts — is increasing student achievement.
The ESU #1 Teaching & Learning Team consists of:
Kellen Conroy — kconroy@esu1.org
Dr. Jennifer Davis — jdavis@esu1.org
Tucker Hight — thight@esu1.org
Derek Lahm — dlahm@esu1.org
Amy Mundil — amundil@esu1.org