Title I Part C Education Program

What is the Nebraska Title I Part C Education Program?

The ESU #1 Title I Part C Education Program provides migratory students under the age of 21 with supplemental support and instructional services to help them overcome obstacles created by the migratory lifestyle. Our services provide migratory students with the opportunity to meet the same challenging academic content standards that all Nebraska students are expected to meet. Our primary focus for these students is school readiness, English language arts and math instruction, and graduation and services to out-of-school youth.  

The Title I Part C Education Program promotes interstate and intrastate coordination of services for migrant children, providing for educational continuity through the timely transfer of pertinent school records.

Another primary purpose of the Title I Part C Education Program is to ensure that the special educational needs of migratory children are identified and addressed. 

Our program sponsors family literacy services for migratory children and their families.

Title I Part C Education Program serves students under the age of 21 who have moved to the area in the last three years with or to join a parent working in agriculture. 

If you work in a district and have students you think may qualify for our program, you have two options for referral. You can contact our recruiter at ESU #1, Virgelina Sierra-Rios (see below), or use our new web referral tool at idrreferral.net.

* Sara Ortiz – Title I Part C Education Program Service Coordinator – sortiz@esu1.org

* Elba Olvera – Wakefield-area Title I Part C Education Program Service Provider – eolvera@esu1.org
* Tatiana Figueroa – Norfolk Title I Part C Education Program Provider – tfigueroa@esu1.org
* Maria Nuno – South Sioux City Title I Part C Education Program Service Provider – mnuno@esu1.org
* Blanca Nuno – South Sioux City Title I Part C Education ProgramService Provider – bnuno@esu1.org
* Andrea Lopez – Title I Part C Education Program Service Provider – alopez@esu1.org

* Virgelina Sierra-Rios – Title I Part C Education Program Recruiter – vsierrarios@esu1.org
* Lucy Padilla – Title I Part C Education Program Data Entry Clerk – lpadilla@esu1.org

Any further questions about Title I Part C Education Program in Nebraska can be answered by this brochure created by the Department of Education:

What does the Nebraska Title I Part C Education Program do?